Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cyclists get Brothel Discount

There are many ways to encourage people to cycle but my fav one so far is that a German brothel is offering cyclists (and environmentalists) a green discount on their services.

One way of taking care of saddle soars!

more on the story here

how to carry wine on your bike

I love the romantic picture on the Guardian Ethical Living blog today showing a very nice bootle of wine carefully tied to the bike, such adaptability.

The article does have a more seriouse note though, its certainly not the first time I have seen a group of friends leave a pub at night and cycle off, living in the sticks as they say, does mean that the local pub can be more of a hike than a walk to get to, so people meet up using bikes rarther than risk getting stopped on a country lane and being done for drink driving. Does that make it right to use a bike when drunk?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

how to make a solar powered USB charger

How To Build A Solar Powered - The best bloopers are here
I have seen comercial usb chargers in the shops and while they are not to expensive, they are bulky and heavy for a cyclist.
This DIY project makes for a very efficiant, lightwieght and compact emergany charger to leave in your saddle bag :)

Cyclist with Camera Vs Armed Police at USA Embassy

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Dress and a Bike

Gwladys Fouché form the Guardian has posted a nice and refreshing article on some of the things you need to think about when wearing a summer dress while cycling. click here to read more

Or check out the article from Cycle Chic